Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 2012

Hmmm.... where has the year gone? No updates and for the life of me I have no idea what's been going on so lets start with August :)

Miss 13's Bday Cake she made herself
Firstly Miss 12 turned into Miss 13! What a neat occasion. She was very lucky and had a lovely dinner with one set of Grandparents and was gifted a beautiful charm bracelet. Another set of Grandparents took her to the outdoor Ice Rink at Aotea Square (a novelty for Aucklanders). Another set of Grandparents gave her voucher which she loves. From her sister and I she was gifted the two things she had on her list. A pair of Converse's and an Ipod Touch. What a very very very lucky girl. She has indeed been spoiled but she very much deserves it.

Celebrating the Birthdays
In July the family got together to celebrate a joint birthday lunch. It involved Miss (now) 13, her cousin who turned 13 in June, another cousin who was turning 12 and Miss 13's Aunty who was turning........... ;P Our gift to everyone was another attempt at a cake. Check out the story of it here.

August also saw the tickets be booked for all the cousins trip to Australia in December/January. We have all been saving madly and the kids cant wait.

Miss 13 has been enrolled into High School for the start of the next school year (Feburay for us in NZ). Miss 10 is going thru the process of being enrolled into Intermediate for the start of the next school year... very exciting times because they both start new schools next year. Miss 13 is lucky enough to have a step sister at Rangitoto College, a very popular school here in Auckland and one of the largest in New Zealand I think. To give you an idea they are capping the Year 9 entrants at 650! There is over 3k students there! We are out of zone for it (the zone starts at the end of our street) so she's lucky because she would be automatically accepted into it because she has a sibling there. So we went on the school tour and she liked it and then that afternoon we headed off to her other choice and chose that one instead. She's really excited and has chosen all her options and I'm really looking forward to it.

We've come to the end of the netball season for Miss 13. Last game tomorrow.

Miss 10 has gone back to swimming lessons and from what I can tell the Northern Arena is just beautiful. Miss 13 has joined the Teen Fit sessions and she's very excited to join and cant wait to start.

At school we have cross country... Miss 10 came 15th out to Year 6 girls. Speeches which Miss 13 loathes.

Apart from that it's work, clean, kids, work, clean, dishes, work, clean... oh my life is SO exciting :)

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