Oh my gosh!
The FIFA world cup has just been so so SO exciting for all of us lil ole KIWIs. Who'd a thought they would make it this far... as I write this it's an hour till kick off for their third game. Im pretty sure the whole nation is on the edge of their ... couches... or snoozing (it is 1am after all) and HOPING the alarm goes off so that you can say you saw the moment that changed history for New Zealand.
I hope the All Whites don't feel the weight of the nations hopes pinned on their shoulders EEEK... no pressure boys!
So so proud to be a Kiwi right now, havent felt this proud since... geee... uummmm pass?!?
My only worry is that they're wearing the away colours... black... you know when you see boys running around on the field wearing black you think All Blacks and they havent been the best lately. History repeats itself too with Nelsen coming down with a stomach bug... 15 years to the day the All Blacks came down with theirs??? lol... dont think we'll ever know about that.
My only hope is that if the All White's dont pull off a monumental moment in time... that the haters dont come out from under their rocks! Win or Lose the All Whites have just been A.MAZE.ING
Lets go All Whites Lets Go... Lets Go All Whites Lets Go